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General Information


Zoning Administrator: Michael Green
Phone: (231) 920-2029
E-Mail Address: zoning@twpofharing.org

Welcome to the Charter Township of Haring Planning/Zoning Department.  This Department is responsible for administering the following Township Ordinances and Plans:

  1. The Charter Township of Haring Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance #45, as amended)
  2. The Charter Township of Haring Plan (Adopted June 9, 2009; amended in 2014)
  3. Land Division Ordinance #50 and the Michigan Land Division Act (for township land divisions)
  4. Ordinance #16 - Township Nuisances
  5. Ordinance #102 - Grass, Weed, Brush and Vegetation Ordinance

While the Township issues Zoning Permits for construction, building permits are issued by the Wexford County Building Department, located at 401 North Lake Street, Cadillac MI  49601.   The Wexford County Building Department can also be contacted by phone at (231) 779-9465, by e-mail at building@wexfordcounty.org.

Permit Fee Schedule

Zoning Permit................................................................................. $25

Fence Permit.................................................................................. $20

Sign Permit..................................................................................... $25

Land Division.................................................................................. $75

Site Plan Review........................................................................... $100

Special Use Permit........................................................................ $200

Rezone or Text Amendment......................................................... $400

Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.................................................. $440

(Fee Schedule effective June 20, 2005;  Fees are set by the Charter Township of Haring Board of Trustees and are subject to change.  Please make checks payable to the "Charter Township of Haring".)
